Friday, March 27, 2009
My Memory
by Kerensa
Thursday, March 26, 2009
My Memory
by Valerie
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
A Memory, In Memory
For reasons I have only recently come to understand, my brothers and I stopped seeing our father shortly after the divorce of our parents. There was to be, as I remember, a temporary separation; time needed to have us all grow accustomed to our new lives as a family torn apart. There was a painful sense of displacement and detachment, which I understand now usually accompanies the knowledge that the life we once took for granted would no longer be the same. The weeks without seeing our father quickly became months, and the months turned to years. As I was a teenager at that time, I saw little and understood even less, and it was much easier believing that this was all part of growing up. Life continued to march onward; in fact, at one point we hadn't seen our father in over 20 years.
And yet, as fate usually has it, my wife and I were eating dinner one night in a crowded shopping mall over an hour from my home, when our eyes caught the gaze of an older gentleman sitting at a table nearby. While his frequent glances were far from menacing, a certain panic hit me as he stood up and walked the few steps to where we were seated. I avoided making eye contact with this stranger for as long as I could, fearing that invited some conversation. However, he cleared his throat, and almost by instinct, I looked right into his eyes. He hesitated, then asked me kindly, "Robbie, is that you?" My childhood nickname, which I had not heard in all these years, brought me back to my youth in an instant. I couldn't fathom what was unfolding before me, and I struggled to say something- anything. All I could muster was, "'s been...a long time." I stood up, and hugged him as hard as I could to make up for all the years we'd been apart. I was proud to introduce my wife to him, and he to her; a meeting long overdue. The hours which followed flew by as we told story after story to each other, desperately trying to bridge the gap of time since we last saw each other. I remember him vividly hanging on every my word, as I described in great detail what my brothers and I had accomplished and what we were still hoping to do. How wonderful it was to unfold the past as we both did, filling each other in on the details- some long forgotten, others taken far too much for granted- of our lives apart. Sadly, part of our wonderful discussion that evening was the learning of the recent passing of my grandparents, as well as the deaths of many of my wonderful relatives over the past few years. Yes, in the time we spent together that evening, I learned the joys and sorrows my father had been through- memories that, ironically enough, are mine now, and are part of who I am- although I will never be able to experience them myself.
In a perfect world, this is where the story goes on to explain how father and sons spent years together making up for lost time; yet, fate had a hand in this as well. Only a handful of years after this joyous reunion, cancer took away what we had struggled so mightily to rebuild. This past weekend, as is usually my habit, I had my journal with me as I sat next to my father's grave, reflecting and writing to ease the pain of being separated once again. I wrote that while these past years have done little to ease the burden of his loss, I know cherish the brief time we spent together that much more. Those memories are, for me, the ones that will last a lifetime.
Mr. Balch
Monday, March 23, 2009
First Memory.
A memory
A Childhood Memory
Childhood Memory
Getting hit by my memory!
_ brittani_
One out of many
Spiritual Birthmark
As the tiny pieces of bread moved on, my eyes followed. When the usher had moved on to the pew behind us, I looked down at my hands, then at my father’s hands, his fingers pinching the white morsel. As the minister began his words of institution, something happened. I watched my father tear the tiny piece into two. He placed one in his mouth and placed the other in my hand. I remember looking down at this small, torn bread and three white crumbs in my palm. As I moved my hand toward my mouth, my eyes filled with tears. I never looked up, a word was not spoken.
Later in the service, after the lump in my throat had subsided, I looked up at my father’s face. He turned to me, gave a smile, and then turned back to the hymnal we were sharing.
To this day we’ve never discussed this moment. In fact, I’m positive what became a lasting image in my mind was but a momentary thought for him. It was the first time I can remember the recognition of a spiritual birthmark, an instance never to be forgotten. On a whim, an impulse, my father shared the body of Christ with me and taught me what being a parent means.
~Mrs. Bethune
Memories in the sand
Billy H.
Sleepy much
Mom said “Don’t you mean what is for lunch?”
That was when I looked up at the clock on the wall and realized it was twelve o’clock in the afternoon. I had slept in till the afternoon. As hard as I try I still can’t beat my twelve o’clock sleep-in record. I remember this because it set a goal for me to try and sleep in past twelve o’clock. A task that is proving hard to do.
First Memory by Joey.T
Bloody Pillow Fight
An example that was hiding under the story was that Josh wouldn't talk to me for a couple weeks because he was scared that I would be mad at him. I really wasn't mad because I knew he didn't mean it.
The significance of it is that if Josh were to not talk to me and if I wouldn't have realized that it was an accident then we wouldn't still be friends. My life would be different.
The memory of all memories
The day started off like any other day My mom was the only parent home because my dad was stationed in Honduras to help clean up after a hurricane. Today was the day that he was supposed to come home and my brothers and I were very excited to see him. But the day moved on slowly and he still hadn't come home. It soon came time for bed and our mom told us that we had to go to bed for my older brother and I had school the next day. I was scared because my dad wasn't home yet and i didn't know where he was. I could tell that my mom was worried to but she wasn't going to show us that.
I wanted to stay awake until my dad got home but my eyes would not stay opened so I eventually drifted off to sleep and with in that time my memory is foggy but when I woke up to the front door opening I knew that my dad was home and that I didn't have to worry about it anymore. I wanted to get out of bed and go see him but then the yelling started in and i knew that I should stay in my room and keep my mouth shut. From every thing that I that I had heard and could clearly focus in my head I heard that he was leaving and that he wouldn't come back this time. I didn't know weather to scream or to cry but the one thing I door remember is jumping out of my bed and running out the door after him. He was already in the truck and was backing out of the drive way. I was planning to run down the street after him but it was dark out and I couldn't see very well even with the street lights on. So I grabbed rocks from the ground and hurrled them at the truck that was getting farther and farther away. I was hopeing that this would cause him to turn around and see me standing there but the rocks fell short and he drove on.
This memory is the one of my worst and it is always one that comes back in to my mind like clock work. I didn't really start remembering things until after this memory because I didn't want to forget anything after that anymore because something else might happen and everything will change.
Cat elevator?
Fun on the Ice
I wanted to stay the night at my grandparents. This is when I lived in York. It took all I had to talk my dad into taking me to their house, probably because he thought he would have to come pick me up when I change my mind about staying.
So I packed my clothes and we got in the car and took off. It was only about a six block drive.
At the time it was winter and we had a Ford Tarus. We got two blocks away and we turned the corner onto their street, we hit a patch of ice and did a complete 360. And from that point on I don't remember anything else, it's all fuzzy.
By, Josh Pettygrove
Very sketchy memories.
Childhood Memorie
Horific Memory
Scezer was untacked and I wanted to sit on him. So, Cory lifted me up on him. I just sat there on top of him listening to my mom and Cory talking back and forth. I saw Cory's husband walk to the tractor that was parked about 100 feet away. He heaved himself into the seat and tried starting the tractor. All it did was idle so he tried it again. This time it started, but only it let out a big, "Bang!"
Scezer went crazy. He reared up and started to buck because he didn't know what it was. I flew off of him and hit the icy ground. While I was laying on the ground Scezers hoof stomped inches from my face. I started to scream and my mom scooped me up into her arms and carried me up the hill to Cory's house.
In the house I lied there staring at the ceiling. I couldn't move my arm. I had to tell my mom when I wanted to sit up so she could help me. Cory had a room full of 50 cats and she let them all out. They surrounded me crawling, sniffing, and leaping. I loved it, it made me not concentrate on the pain of my arm. Slowly and slowly my memory from then on faints.
Lucky Me
By: Wade Obermier
Tabitha and I's Adventures
I don't know how old i was, but I remember it was when we lived in Henderson and I think it might have been when I was in Kindergarten. I was playing outside with the neighbor girl whose name was Tabitha. We were both out in the front yard playing with some toys and then we saw each other and then we both just wondered off together. We decided to go out behind our houses where there is a field of grass in which the grass was taller then us. Tabitha and I were out there for like 2 1/2 hours playing some imaginary game that we used to play together.
When we got home, my parents and her grandparents had been going crazy trying to find us. But they didn't even see us out there in the field because we were too short. They told us to always tell them where we were going and not to scare them like that again. I don't even remember getting in trouble for not telling my mom where i was going, but I do remember getting a couple of cookies and getting to watch my favorite movie when my mom and I got inside.
Tabitha and I always got into those kinds of situations because we would always wonder off to play some kind of game. We would always play some imaginary game, or house and use our stuff animals for the children, cousins, aunts, and uncles. Her and I were the best of friends when we were younger, but now I'm not even sure where she lives or how old she is and the sad thing is if I ever saw her again I don't think I would be able to recognize her.
Moving Houses
First thing that had to be done was I had to get a hard hat, so I could be part of the crew and be able to go under the house. I had to have my favorite one. It was orange, the only one that wasn't white. When I would wear the orange hat I was the boss. After getting my hat I had to help the crew load up the truck and trailer. Helping everyone load up was a big deal.
After everything was loaded up it was time to get going. Driving to Lincoln with two pickups, and one Mack, it took awhile. We talked about all sorts of things on that hot summer day. One person to the next my dad and I would pick on the ones who were riding in the pickups. My dad and I went back and forth on the two way radio talking up a storm to the rest of the crew.
Finally reaching our destination we all went to work. I went back and forth getting stuff off the pump, the stuff I was able to lift, and taking it to one of the guys. Hearing my name be called by many people made me realize I was there at the right time at the right spot. After awhile I couldn't help mush anywhere, since it was time to lift it up. But before we finished some last moment touches on it, I thought it was time for lunch. After eating it was time to sit back and relax. Some of the guys even took a nap for only five or ten minutes.
The time has come to lift the house up. I was able to push the handle up on the pump and watch the house go up little by little. After it went up has much as we needed it to, it was time to hook it up to the Mack. My uncle in the Mack was backing it to the house, just so we knew that it was as straight as it could be. It took a couple tries to get it back as far as we needed it to, and the other tries it took a bit to hook it up. After hooking it up we clean up and was getting ready to leave.
On the way home we just took the two pickups home. We piled in together. It was a shocker that we all fit. This time dad and I were just making jokes about all the guys in the other pickup. We got many laughs. Getting back to the yard we say good-bye then we all left.
My Memory
Shelby W.
my memory :)
A few more strides and I’m at the bank of the Hudson, next to the marina. I hesitate, staring out into the river, watching the current. I sit on a rock and extend my legs, relaxing my calves. It’s still chilly out. The coldness of the rock provides an absence of comfort and sends goose bumps along my bare legs.
There is something strange about the river. The way it makes me feel. The way the breeze attempts to push my frustrations away. The way its attempts are almost successful. True solitude envelopes me in a silence. My thoughts, my regrets, my concerns. I feel like I’m surrounded inevitably. I feel the breeze again on the back of my neck. I take a deep breath inhaling the fresh air, savoring my peacefulness, letting freedom become a state of mind. I close my eyes. I paint a picture.
Colors. They are how I feel. Vivid. Intense. Red. A monochromatic dream. Every shade of Red that has ever existed rushes through my head like an unstoppable current. Pink to dark pink to Red and everything in between. It makes me feel like Red feels. Heated and unpredictable like all worries have been burned in a pure scarlet flame. I open my eyes. Red is transparent now, the vivid state it once existed in fades to blue. The river. I leave the marina and start towards the tracks.
Just as I reach the tracks, the metal bars lower and I hear the train in the distance. That means it’s 3:45. The train rushes past, creating noise that shatters my envelope of silence. I feel cemented to the ground, and I can’t take my focus off the train. Its windows pass rapidly, one after another. I can see the mysterious silhouettes of passengers. I wonder if they can see me. I wonder if they care.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Earliest Recollection of My Past
Although I have lived in New York for my entire life, I did a lot of my growing up in Iowa, with my cousins. I have helped with soccer practices, jumped on trampolines, and gone to countless state fairs. However, the best memories that I have of Iowa are the ones that I am graced to have with my father, just standing on the porch, listening and watching as the storms roll over the house.
We can see the lights in the sky dim and open as a bolt of lightning spits itself at the ground, and we can imagine the black openings in the sky as huge mouths that are roaring and grumbling in anger, spitting fire at the earth. I am probably all of about five years old at this point, and I can remember seeing my mother smiling as she laughs with her younger brother and his wife in their newly furnished kitchen and my brother and cousins sitting on the floor, putting together their newfound presents from Santa. I loved how the swings would move with the wind and the trees would seem to scream as they were forced from side to side.
I can seem to see these things like they were just yesterday, but I have been told these stories many times over, and I still love to watch the storms roll in. Maybe it's just my imagination and maybe I'm exaggerating the truth, but it may just be the whole truth that this is how I would spend every evening at that house or in that barn.
Early Memory
Early Memory
The rest of the day, I was exhausted dozing off and on. I still wanted to be in the ocean and feel the wave’s crash while knocking me down, even though it was something serious, almost drowning. I ignored the incident and the nest day satisfied my urge for the ocean. I still have the nickname fish-out-of-water to this day.
Early memory
My First Memory
My First Memory
One of my memories is when i found out my uncle ron was in the hospital.
No one told me what had happend to him.No one really knew i guess.I cryed almost everynight because i was scared something bad was going to happen.I visited him every weekend in Helen Hayes hopsital.They a lot of tests to see what was wrong they couldnt figure it out.Alls the doctors knew was that he was paralyzed.It was a sudden thing to happen.I thought he wasnt going to make i through.He has been doing rehab for his legs,but it isnt working.This guy is someone i look up to, hes my role model.He shows that no matter what happens always be strong.Today, he is still in a wheelchair,but he is fighting his body to see if one day he could walk.That is one of my saddest memories.
So we started first on my driveway and i fell off the bike and got right back on the bike and started again. I kept on falling so i decided we should go in the backyard and learn back there this way it wouldn't hurt as badly if i did fall. So we went in the back and I finally had gotten the hang of it after the 100Th time. at least that what it felt like. So after that i started riding all around on my road. For a while riding my bike was my transportation to all of my friends houses. So riding my bike was one of the greatest things that had happened to me when i was younger.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Early Memory
My Early Memory
Of course I fell a couple of times, but who doesn't ?? I would get up and keep trying until i learned how to ride a bike by myself. It took me like a week to learn. Everyday after my dad got home from work he would have the patience to teach me how to ride a bike. Once I knew how to ride a bike there was no stopping me !!! i would go and ride around my block and every other place i could find. I was so happy of myself because I never gave up.
by Jocelyn
Thursday, March 19, 2009
My First Memory
Probably because she was still kind of like a kid, going to amusement and water parks, playing
outside with us alot. Her house was like a playground itself. She has so many toys, bikes, dirt bike.
But our favorite thing to do was going into the back yard to a smill hill right before her yard turns into woods. On the hill was a tree with a very strong rope hanging from it. Everytime we'd go
there we would make a new swing somehow. First was a lawn chair (like a bed) and that didnt go so well... next was a mattress, then a stool, rocking chair, pretty much anything we could find. We havnt done that in a very long time but everyone loves going to thier grandmas house.
We only get together there now for holidays, birthday and stuff like that because now they are older and busy and stuff but when we do get together its the same as always.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Ten things poem
The barks of my white dog when a car goes by.
The softness of my pillow when I go to sleep.
The gentle snow falling on a cold winter’s night.
The sand between my toes when I walk across the beach.
The trees where the animals and birds live and play.
The sweet music that puts me to sleep at night.
The couples in the hall way when the bell rings between classes in school.
The warmth of the sun on my face in the spring.
And the hands of the one I love around me on a cool night letting me know that I am always safe and loved.
by Denashia
doesnt it sound familar
The slamming of doors.
Things that mean a lot to me
The way people treat each other
How boring spanish is
The scribbles in my math notebook
How slow time goes by when you're bored
The slamming of lockers in the morning at school
Doodles from my pen as i daydream
When the weather is bad i feel the good
The two sides to every story
music makes people happier
Students waiting till the last minute to do their homework
The fog of my breath on a cold morning.
Don't give up.
The places music can take you.
My ringtone going off
PS3 and some video games
Coffee pot on the table
Thursday, March 12, 2009
My random found observations.
Really clean room, OCD status,
Many DVDs, and CDs,
Very comfortable bed with alot of blankets,
PS3 and some video games,
Lots of clothes and laundry baskets,
Few days of the week where its warm enough to go to the park,
The full moon last night,
The taste of salty and buttery popcorn,
Hollywood Undead from my computer,
Loud techno music in my friends car on the way to school in traffic,
Lots of magazine pictures on my wall,
My ceiling with all of my friends writing,
Pictures of my family, my sisters and brothers mostly,
Sounds my houses make,
A "[Nobodies]" drawing on eachwall done by my friend Gayla.
The River watching frogs jump around,
"La Bella Vita". Life is beautiful.
Found Writing
The sound of birds chirping.
The sound of the waves crashing into the rocks.
The fun and crazy moments my friends and I have.
A dragonfly flying overhead, probably towards the stream.
The branches creaking and swaying from the breeze.
The sky always has more than one shade of blue.
I see the dew on the grass.
The ocean during the mid summer night.
Snow falling then just melting away in just a few seconds.
The morning air at sunrise.
Lights that tower over the streets and light them up at night.
The branches creaking and swaying from the breeze.
The weather can effect your emotions and mood.
The cold breeze when it's winter.
The bare trees in mid winter.
The tiredness at the end of the day.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
people's lines
everything outside looks gray in the winter
the sky always has more than one shade of blue
The squirrel running up a nearby tree as if gravity didn't exist.
The sound of birds chirping
the stump in the backyard were there was a tree
The T.V's on
the glare on the tv from the light shinning through the window
The sound of the waves crashing into the rocks
music makes people happier
The stop sign that wobbles in the wind
One leaf laying in the grass
I see the dew on the grass
My lawn mower that sits in the garage and collects dust.
My Play Station makes the room very hot
My ringtone going off
My Spanish class is quiet
the silence in class while we take a test
This project was not hard
Chris (\/):
random poem of feelings and thoughts
A dragonfly flying overhead, probably towards the stream.
Students waiting till the last minute to do their homework
The crowded halls on my way to class.
Snow falling then just melting away in just a few seconds.
The silence in class during a test
The laughter of the people in the hallway.
The ocean during the mid summer night.
Lights that tower over the streets and light them up at night.
music makes people happier.
The morning air at sunrise.
The hunger that is created during school
how winter looks so cold and gray
The places music can take you.
the daily lessons you learn in life.
The warmth I feel when I slip into my pajamas.
The flowing water of a small stream nearby.
Sneaky out late, hoping fate doesn’t interfere.
The branches creaking and swaying from the breeze.
The different colors of the sky during the day
the first color i see when i wake and open my eyes
The tiredness at the end of the day
Found Writing
The sky in the spring when the clouds are nearly blue.
The Christmas Blessing that tore us apart.
The way love can fix a broken heart.
It may take a while......
Different dreams can seem to make the unwanted smile.
Don't give up.
"The sun lights up a drop of dew
The drop of dew soon dries
You are the light of my eyes my eyes
I'm brought to life by you..."
-By: Kaelyn
Found Poem
The crowded halls on my way to class.
The branches creaking and swaying from the breeze.
Different colors of the sky through out the day.
People are Always fighting For the dumbest reasons.
A bird chirping his song that no one knows.
The fun and crazy moments my friends and I have.
The way my heart races when I see my crush.
Monday, March 9, 2009
2. how tired i feel at the end of the day
3. they way people treat each other
4. the lies people spread
5. laughter of children
6. the most beautiful things in life go unnoticed
7. the whispering of gossipers
8. the mess in my closet
9. how happiness spreads!
10. everything you play for never happens that way
11. the unexpected always happens
12. the sound of birds outside
13. how much i miss spring and summer when winter is here
14. how slow time goes by when your bored
15. the daily lessons you learn in life.
time goes by way too fast.
music makes people happier.
peope take their lives for granted.
our economy is horrible.
people in high school have very little concern about others emotions.
there is a fine like between a good friend and a good friend you truly trust.
My Found Writing Poem
The most beautiful things in life go unnoticed
The pain that once seemed endless has faded
How awesome my dad truly is and how much I love him
Some small things may be heavier than they look
The many lies covering up the truth
Kids in drama creating their own
How my laptop gets very hot
The noises my house makes when I'm home alone
by Valerie
Found Poem
The hunger that is created during school
The drama you hear in each class
The school i.d. card from 6th grade
The brainstorming for what you will do after school
by Cori
Found Poem
The fog of my breath on a cold morning.
The slamming of lockers in the morning at school.
The sounds of the dish washer running while I watch TV.
The stump in the backyard where there was a tree.
Too much French homework.
The way the moon shines at night.
Time flies.
The bare trees in mid winter.
The cat hair on my sweater.
The clouds move faster than I believed.
The weather can effect your emotions and mood.
The sun is setting later and later everyday.
The warmth I feel when I slip into my pajamas.
The cold breeze when it's winter.
The noise my house makes when I'm home alone.
The different colors of the sky during the day.
The great smell of dinner as I arrive home.
The beautiful lyrics to my favorite song.
The smell of spring after snow melts.
Found Poem
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Found Writing
Students waiting till the last minute to do their homework,
The crowded halls on my way to class,
Students waiting till the last minute to do their homework,
the silence in class while we take a test.
how times go by way to fast.
Many things that are important,
When I was younger,
hanging out with friends,
people I don't even know.
Players never quit like the pros.
time goes by way too fast.
music makes people happier.
peope take their lives for granted.
our economy is horrible.
people in high school have very little concern about others emotions.
there is a fine like between a good friend and a good friend you truly trust.
by Alyssa
My Found Poem
Rumors going around everywhere.
The whispering of gossipers.
The two sides to every story.
The way people treat each other.
Teenagers arguing about everything they can find.
The changes of emotions in each class of the day.
The sound when an old book opens.
How many people take their lives for granted.
The most beautiful things in life go unnoticed.
By Jocelyn
"Flash" represents your hopes.
How cold the wind feels brushing against my face.
As I hear my music I feel as I'm the only one in the room to go dance with the harmony.
I miss being outside while the sun beams upon my fair white skin and the warm wind runs through my dark hair.
The Day of light wishes to set further through out the blistering air.
Lights that tower over the streets and light them up at night.
The swish of my pencil in my notebook as I finish up my math homework.
live my life in the city.
"Vogue" represents your dreams.
The fog of my breath on a cold morning.
Words...aren't they great?
A hawk perched on a limb looking for its next meal.
"Prada" represents your desire.
One short pine tree in a line of tall ones.
Found Poem(Mostly Plagiarism)
Found Writing
The flowing water of a small stream nearby.
The cold breeze in the winter .
Snow falling and melting in just a few seconds.
The sun rises much earlier .
The slamming of lockers in the morning at school.
How boring Spanish is .
School is boring.
I get most Homework in Global, and Geometry.
Garbage in my locker.
Piled up papers on my teachers desk.
Doodles from my pen as i daydream.
People are Always fighting For the dumbest reasons.
How frustrated I get when I cant understand my math homework.
How messy my room is.
My room needs to be cleaned.
The smell of dinner.
Watching TV.
The way math frustrates me.
Life as we know it
Life seems different during the four seasons,
The way the trees denature into an old fence from a storm.
A park bench deformed from rain, aging.
The patches of dark green grass.
The ocean during the mid summer night.
The forward motion when the warm wind runs through your hair.
Lights that tower over the streets and light them up at night.
Sneaky out late, hoping fate doesn’t interfere.
The midst of spring, of a bird chirping a song,
Different colors of the sky through out the day.
Hoping May will bring flowers so the small hours in the day pray to last longer.
The first day of High school, to the last day fly’s by.
The slamming of lockers in the morning warning that too much homework will come during each array.
How life can seem the same everyday, but it’s a different date.
How all teenagers seem different but can convey the same
Feeling’s for that one future day.
Found Poem: "A Look in Nature."
Comfortable temperature, blue sky and a light breeze.
Get up and go outside for a walk.
Go into some woods.
Listen to nature at its best.
The branches creaking and swaying from the breeze.
Leaves rustling from being blown around.
Birds of all kinds talking to each other, yet we will never know what they're saying.
The flowing water of a small stream nearby.
Just enjoy all of these sounds right from Mother Nature herself.
Now look around.
Notice the squirrels chasing each other throughout the trees.
A small rabbit scurrying towards its home.
A group of deer sleeping in the green.
A dragonfly flying overhead, probably towards the stream.
There is so much in nature and it is beautiful.
An enjoyable thing to do every beautiful morning
-By Dalton
Saturday, March 7, 2009
The similarity in different people
How just being in high school and being teenagers makes us so similar.
Rumors going around everywhere

Too much homework everyday
The laughter of the people in the hallway.
The mess in our rooms
How we notice the different colors of the sky
How we talk about random things
The way little things entertain us.
The way we can live with out technology.
Found Writing
The slamming of lockers in the morning at school
The swaying of trees as my bus passes them
The rustle of the leaves on the ground
The ripples on the lake
The single bent page in a book
The wooden fence post that's aging
A bird chirping a song
People coming and going to work
How boring spanish is
The different colors of the sky during the day
How many trees are around my house
The dusty textbooks that I never open
The gullibility of people who listen
The cold breeze in the winter
The sound when an old book opens
Theres a lot of pollution on Earth
Snow falling and melting in just a few seconds
The sun rises much earlier
The most beautiful things in life go unnoticed
How the wind feels brushing against my face
The scribbles in my math notebook
The crowded halls on my way to class
The sound of the waves crashing into the rocks
The color of a dying flower
The silence in class during a test
The grass outside is turning greener
Something small may be heavier than it looks
Students waiting till the last minute to do their homework
The laughter of the children
Friday, March 6, 2009
this is my voice
high school
there's two sides to every story
when our
decisions led by our emotions create chaos
in the space behind the stars
in the walls
in the halls
i can see dreams
seem so powerful
my eyes glisten
these are my
words in ink
things I've noticed
time goes by so fast
but these
random words sound so alike
our differences written on paper
the silence
frustrates me
in a place i wonder
where we became so lost
where the lies that cover up the truth
way my heart races when i see my crush
our place
our change of emotion in each
morning air at sunrise
these are the things we cherish most in life
many things that identify me
i smile a lot
the place music can take you
the different colors
of the meaningless little habits i developed
the most beautiful things in life go unnoticed
this is
the person who i was born to become
this is my voice
my place
your place
our place
high school
New york and Mccool very similar
By Sade B.
Random Words That Sound Alike
As the snow melts, all the leaves are still on the ground.
how time goes by really slow when your in spanish class.
5th period Spanish seems like it goes on way longer than 49 minutes
how boring spanish is
how boring my Earth Science class is.
the peeling paint in my living room
the chipped paint on the walls
the silence in class while we take a test
My Spanish class is quiet
How Quiet my english class is when we start to read our book.
the dust on my old text books
The dusty textbooks that I never open
The crowded halls on my way to class.
The hallway is crowded
The school's hallway is loud.
Too much homework everyday
I seem to have a lot of homework everyday.
The way my dog sleeps every night
how my dog curles up in a ball when he sleeps
how messy my room is
My room needs to be cleaned.
my room's a complete mess.
The mess in my closet.
my room is really messy.
time flies.
I take up a lot of time thinking and time flies right past me
how times go by way to fast.
The way math frustrates me
How frustrated I get when I cant understand my math homework
Thursday, March 5, 2009
In A Place I Wonder :)
the place music can take you
a place to
the lies that cover up the truth.
the first color i see when i wake and open my eyes
life in itself
the ways music consumes me
i smile alot..
but i don't smile like that.
In a place i wonder..
New York and McCool, very similar!
Teenagers arguing about everything they can find.
Rumors going around everywhere,
The most beautiful things in life go unnoticed
How many don’t believe that the quiet girl comes out to have a big heart,
The place music can take you,
The pain that once seemed endless has faded,
The silly things my parents do to make me smile.
The interest of people and how they differ,
The way my heart races when I see my crush,
The awkwardness of seeing an old friend.
The ways different people breathe when you hug them.
The way people treat each other.
The lame laugh that I can’t control, nor do I want to.
How easy it is to want to go fast.
Laughs demolishing tears.
The changes of emotions in each class of the day.
Our place.
The different colors of the sky during the day,
How many trees are around my house,
The morning air at sunrise,
The big bright luminous sunshine over me,
The way the moon shines at night,
The sound of waves crashing into rocks,
Deer grazing in the early morning light,
Summer is important to me because it’s like a new start.
These are the things we cherish most in life.
Glow of the summer campfire.
-Jordyn D.
The smell of spring after snow melts.
Mixture of Plagiarism
Music makes people happier
Things that mean a lot to me
My lives the same daily
I don’t smile like that
Many take their lives for granted
The way people drive
Time flies
Many students don’t pay attention in class
How rumors go around daily
The whispering of gossipers
How there are two sides of every story
Doodles from my pen
The slamming of doors
It’s pretty cold out
The tiredness at the end of the day
How my mom asks the same question twice
The smell of skunk
The grunt of a mature buck
Excessive amounts of words in a book
Many things that are important
Pictures of my family
Full of memories
My favorites on the front
I like country music
I love eating
I also have a dryer sheet
I think superheroes are awesome
I plan to make that my career
Many things that identify me
30 things to read
homework actually doing it.
The little meaningless habits I've developed
over the years.
The Unavailability of a chair in the cafeteria.
The tiredness I felt at the end
of day.
The way people treat each other
how boring Spanish
The different emotions going around
The interests of people and how they differ.
How frustrated I get when
I can't understand my math
The smell of fresh cut grass
The lies people spread.
The cold breeze when it's winter.
Snow falling then melting away
in Seconds.
College kids running every morning.
The Grass outside turning
The morning air at sunrise
The paper I'm writing ten things on
how quiet English class is
we you read a book.
The Hallway is crowed.
My room needs to be clean.
The slamming of doors.
30 ways of nature and life
the smell of dinner
the different colors of the sky
the head of a deer hanging on the wall
the sound of when a old book opens
the chirping of the birds
the sun setting later and later every day
the crisp morning air
the coffee pot on the table
the smell of skunk
schools food is pretty crappy
the bare trees in mid winter
the derail in the red rose
a squirrel running up a tree
the color of a dying flower
the playful bark from my dogs
the rustle of leaves on the ground
a carp jumping out of the water
a pop bottle floating down the big blue
a beaver swimming in the lake
the rust on my old lawn mower
deer tracks to my deer salt lick
a clump of mud on the porch
trains roaring though
a cat looking for a snack
the paper i am writing on
the smell of freshly cut grass
the slamming of doors
the hallway is crowed
how quiet English class is
The Summertime (BIG) Blues
The chirping of the birds
The laughter of the children,
college kids running every morning,
The sun setting later,
new neighbors,
grass turning greener,
the sky's blue,
the T.Vs off,
my book bag in my closet,
the luminous sun,
the sound of the waves,
crashing into
the rocks.
the moon,
shines at night,
the laughter
and play,
of kids on the street.
I enjoy being
the schools hallway,
is quiet.
the bright color of
a flower.
dirty cars,
the smell of chlorine,
a pop bottle,
floating down the
Big Blue.
Billy H.
30 Things From The Blog
Not being able to see the floor of my room,
Falling down the stairs in the morning,
Ring tone going off,
The TV is on,
Favorite movie on TV,
The laughter of a child,
Because people are playing peek-a-boo with them,
I smile a lot,
How the flu is spreading,
Coffee pot on the table,
Purple rubber bands,
Messy dinner table,
Large mirror in my room,
Hole in living room wall,
The smell of a skunk,
The noise a pencil makes,
My laptop gets very hot,
How frustrated I get,
How rumors go around every day,
People do things and soon forget about it,
School food is crappy,
The great smell of dinner,
The yummy chicken I am going to eat for dinner,
My room needs to be cleaned,
The cold and dark corners of my room,
The mess in my closet,
A small nap,
Nobody likes electric drums.
As We Begin This Endeavor
In the inner thoughts of a complacent soul
It runs wild through my veins,
gripping tight to my emotions
It hides with all the lies that cover up the truth
The laughs that quickly demolish tears
How decisions led by our emotions create chaos
How when someones under pressure it
reveals who they really are
The different emotions going around everywhere
How people act differently around certain people
The awkwardness of seeing an old friend
There is a fine line between a good friend
and a good friend you truely trust
People are so self centered
How many people don't believe that the quiet
girl comes out to have a big heart
The way people treat each other
Time goes by really fast
Everything that you plan never falls in
place with your ideas
There are always two sides to a story
The most beautiful things in life go unnoticed
The things in life that we cherish the most
The place music can take you
The way music consumes me
The way my heart flutters when I hear my favorite song
Many take their lives for granted
The shadows on my wall
They've been a part of my my whole life
Rebekah J.
My Creative Observation Poem
The pain that once seemed endless has faded
The fear that has been created in my heart from love
The different emotions going around every where
The different colors of the sky during the day
How two souls could feel like one
The most beautiful things in life that are not noticed
The whispering of gossipers
How there is two sides to every story
The detail in the red rose petal
The crinkeld leaves that show up after the snow has melted
The sounds of birds chirping
The pink color of the shy before it snows
The way cheesecake melts in your mouth
The old barn that sits on the country road
A dog barking at the end of it's chain
The ripples on the lake
Tree branches swaying back and forth in the wind
Cows lying in the field
A single bent page in a book
A clump of mud on the porch
A cat roaming the field
Pot holes in the gravel road
The deer jumping a fence
The smell of spring after snow melts
Th way people treat each other
The smell of fresh cut grass
The cold and dark corners of my room
The sound you get when you open a old book
The cold brezz you get when it is winter outside and windy