Sunday, March 22, 2009

Early memory

An early memory I have is learning the abc's. My mom and I were sitting together at the table. I was listening and repeating her, like I always did. She would also teach me when we were in the car together. One day, I got it. I could recite my abc's all by myself. Next, I was on the phone telling my grandmother. Everyone was so proud of me. The suprising part was that I was only one year old. I remembered the part of that day clearly.


Anonymous said...

To many people the abc's seem so simple but when your little its a huge deal when you remember it. I really liked how you picked something so simple but made it have a special meaning.

JeremyC said...

Wow you learned how to say your abc's at one year old I remember learning my abc's when I was like four years old.