Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I Am From...

I am from model cars,
from toy cars and dump trucks.
I am from the trampoline
in the back yard.
I am from having cars
parked out front,
from the dogs in the back yard
whom bark all day long.

I am from sugary snacks and soda pop,
from grandma and grandpa.
I am from smartalics,
and rumor tellers.
I am from watching
television all day long.
I am from playing
playstation on the weekends.
I am from sitting on
the couch while I watch
my television.

I am from Dale and Betty’s branch,
ham, turkey, and potatoes.
I am from growing up with a dad
who almost lost two different fingers.
I am from having to watch my dad
put on glasses to read his newspaper.
I am from having family
get togethers that pack the house like
it is a teenage party on Friday night.
I am from always seeing pictures of
family members that will remind me
of the good times we always had.


Shorty said...

I like the part where you say "I am from having familyget togethers that pack the house like it is a teenage party on Friday night" just because I could tell what you mean and see it in my head. The part of grandma and grandpa giving you sugary snacks and soda is something I can relate to.

Ben W. said...

My favorite line is "I am from having to watch my dad put on glasses to read his newspaper." I can really relate to "I am from sugary snacks and soda pop, from grandma and grandpa.