Preston is a wrestler and has a family of nine people. He has a red notebook. Preston has the blue, white, and gray jacket on. Jeremy plays basketball and enjoys hunting. He has two older brothers and younger sister. Jeremy is the one wearing the gray sweatshirt. Rebekah also plays basketball, she has a family of seven. She lives by the river and has three sisters and a brother. She is wearing the blue fancy coat. Shelby plays basketball as well and enjoys extra-curricular activities. Her favorite class is choir because she loves to sing. She is wearing the orange sweatshirt.
Where does writing hide?
On the bottom of the ocean floor.
In a nightmare or a dream.
On the stripes of a clown fish.
The last drop of my Mountain Dew.
Under the shadow of a single blade of grass.
The leaf on my camouflage coat.
In famous paintings or drawings.
Floating up to the surface with all the bubbles.
On the snow covered trees.
McCool Group
JeremyC, Rebekah J., PrestonH, and Shelby W.
Red note book..HA HA!
Its not a fancy
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