Well, Jordyn’s truck wouldn’t start today so, she was running a little bit late! Jordyn can be really random at times as you can see. She lives on a farm called the hilltop farm and ranch and also a lake called Sacks Lake. Jordyn loves to ride horses, fish, and go 4 wheeling. She likes the color pink and loves to eat steak! Josh the one in the camouflage coat loves to hunt, fish, trap, trap shoot, and play with his dog. He has a six month old German Shorthair Pointer named Magnum. He also likes to work on his truck and never stops putting money into it. Hi I’m Ben I’m the one in the red shirt smiling like an idiot. During the school year I play Football and Wrestling. My hobbies are the same as Josh’s I love to hunt, fish, trap, and trap shoot. Sara is obsessed with Tinker bell. She enjoys watching football. She also loves to bowl. Sara also loves to watch her dad move houses.
• The adrenaline of running barrels.
•The feel of each stride on my horse.
•The speck of dust laying on my cowboy hat.
•The crack in my old cowboy boots.
• Behind the coyote calls in my coat pocket.
• Under a trap pan.
• In the hole of a hollowed out cottonwood.
• My archery target.
• The corner of my locker where junk is.
• The cup holder where my iPod sits in my truck.
• The corner of my closet where my guns lean.
• The pocket my football pads go in.
• The handle on my bow.
• With the roller on the beam.
• In all the puddles they pass through.
• Between all the chain links.
• With the wood holding the house up.
-Jordyn D., Shorty, Josh P., Hunter Ben
Wow, what a smile Ben!
ben gotta love the smile
haha! I love the smile!
you look like a real Ben Jammin
You know Ben, I didn't want to say anything...but your smile is classic!
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