Sunday, May 10, 2009

I Am From

I am from heaven up above
I am from the 8th floor in NYC
I am from across the street from the bodega.

I am from "When We Get Married" and "Gypsy Woman"
I am from salsa & merengue
I am from beautiful women & gallant men.

I am from the energy that flows within
I am from Sunday school to Youth group at church
I am from we love Him because He first loved us.

I am from scoldings & lectures
I am from wisdom & strength
I am from everything pure & lovely.


1 comment:

Jordyn D. said...

I like yours. Especially about I am from the scoldings and lectures because I always get them. What does it mean when you say I am from "when we get married" and "Gypsy Women."