Monday, January 12, 2009

group members: Alyssa, Johanna, Meryham, Brittani, and Angela
Alyssa, wearing green and white-play soccer, dance, wear make-up, hangout with my friends and boyfriend.
Brittani, wearing orange-text mesage 24/7, play basketball and volleyball, and chill with my friends.
Angela, wearing black- play volleyball, talk, and dance.
Johanna, wearing gray- go to movies, read, hangout with friends.
Meryem, wearing white- play soccer and hang out with my friends.
Writing Hides:
In the eyes of each member of my family.
In the pages of an interesting book.
In the waves of the sea.
Under the darkest corner of your bed.
In the snow that falls from the sky.
In the twinkle of the stars;
In the sparkle of your eyes.

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