Hi, my name is Sade and this is a description of my Identity Box. On the top of my box are puffy letters that spell out my name and there is also a picture of me from when I was in pre-school. On the blue sides of my box are a picture of my mom and on the other side a picture of some my cousins. On the red sides of my box are pictures of my little brother when he was 4. On the front green side of my box there is a Winnie the Pooh pen, and on the back is a picture of my cousin and I when we were younger. When you open my box, and look to the inside of the top you will see 5 contestant numbers from different pageants I've competed in; you will also see blue and gold beads hanging from the top. If you look inside of my box you will see just about everything that describes me. I have one of my pom poms, 2 pageant crowns, a pillsburry dough boy, certificates, awards, and pictures. and thats pretty much it.
Your box looks very interesting and unique. What stands out the most to me is the necklaces dangling off the box top. My impression about this box is that you are a very active person who really wants to achieve your personal goals because I see a tiara and maybe you participated in a pageant. I will comment more back when you add details about your box.
thanks... yes, i am a very active person. i have competed in 5 pageants and done very well in all of them. the necklaces are just for decoration they don't really have any sentimental value.
Valerie said:
The first thing I noticed was the tiaras in your box are those from your pagents?
I also noticed all the ribon from your pagents.
I noticed how you have lots of blue and gold things including the necklaces hanging from the top of your boxes I liked that I thought that was realy pretty.
I see you have a picture of you and Sedrick I think that shows your love for your family and thats something we have in common.
thanks val.yup, the tiaras are from two pageants i did earlier this year and the ribbons too. oh you now i had to rep that blue and gold necklaces lol. and yes i do love my family.
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