Side 2- my interests, camping, food, FFA, money, pop and when I was young plastic army men.
Side 3- my favorite bands, Kiss, ACDC, Ted Nugent, Led Zeppelin, Van Halen, ZZ Top, Jimi Hendrix, Guns N Roses, Billy Squier and more.
Side 4- my b-ball and yearbook pictures.
Side 5- my favorite NFL team is the Broncos.
Side 6- my favorite video game system Xbox 360 and game Guitar Hero.
-Wade O.
From Kyle:
The items that stand out to me on the box are the feather and the Bass Pro Shop logo. They stand out to me because the feather is right in the middle of the cover, and the Logo sticks out to because it's the brightest object on the cover.
Some items that are similar to the ones in my box is the music that he listens to. I am a big fan of Guns N roses, Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, and ACDC.
What he also included in his box that i am interested in is that he likes to play xbox 360. One of my favorite games is Guitar Hero.
Out of everything that he had on his box the thing that I fond most inresting is the turkey feather on the cover. I think it's interesting because I didn't see anyone elses box have a feather on it.
Hey Wade- The first concert I ever saw was Kiss in Madison Square Garden. I was 16 and it was the first time I was allowed to travel to New York City with just my friends. I'll never forget that. I saw Van Halen a few years after that- that was a serious show. What about these bands makes them so appealing to you? Do a lot of people out there listen to this great music or are you part of a select group?
Hi Mr.Balch-I am very jealous that you got to see these great bands in concert. I own the kissology DVD's and thats about as close as I am going to get to see them in concert. But on those DVD's they had some great shows. I guess why I like these bands so much is that every one here listens to wrap and country. And I never liked to listen to to that music. And I had a friend that had been to a kiss concert and he said it was awsome. So I went out and bought a cd and I have listened to them ever since. The makeup probaly had some thing to do with it to. I am part of a select group that listens to this psychedelic music there are a few but not very many.
Thats not how you spell rap and I don't listen to country or rap.
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