On the inside of my box, on the top, is my varsity letter with two pins for golf and swimming. Next to that is a picture of Michael Phelps and a swimming motto that I live by. On the bottom of my box is the box from my fastskin that represents how far I have come in swimming and some medals over top of it to show what I have achieved. To the right of that is a jammer and some golf balls beacause those are the two varsity sports I do in school. On the left side of the box is a picture of my ipod because I like music and on the front side are are tickets to concerts and a Mets game that i went to.
The things that stick out the most to me are your lettering pins and your picture of Micheal Phelps. On my box I did not really include any sports that I am involved in, unless you consider hunting as a sport. But the sport that I enjoy the most is track. I saw that you had medals in your box, and I also have medals just not in my box, but my medals are for track. The I tem that I am unfamiliar with is the jammer, I have no idea what that is. The thing that I think is the most interesting is the swimming part of your box is the swimming because we do not have that at our school or any where around us. From studying your box I now know that you like sports a lot and you enjoy listening to music. What is the motto that you said you live by and where did you find it?
From Kevin W.:
At the first glance of Evan’s box, the picture of Michael Phelps stood out the most because it was the largest and the one with most detail. My first impression of this box is more prone to being athletic because of the medals and swimming picture.
After reading the description, I find the golf ball similar to my picture of Photoshop because they are both hobbies which require time to improve on. I believe that they both share the same level of significance in both boxes because golf seems to be an important activity to Evan and Photoshop shares the same importance to me. The picture of Michael Phelps is also a great athlete to me and this represents swimming which is an interest of mine. The picture of the iPod reflects my enjoyment of music. I would like to know more about Evan’s medals for swimming because I never won any so I am curious to know how hard he worked to obtain them. The Michael Phelps picture was the most unique because I felt he was swimming towards me when I first saw it.
After finishing my examination of Evan’s box, I believe that I know more about Evan after reading his description and acknowledging his interests. These interests are things I didn’t know before. I have also found a common swimming interest between us. I would like to ask Evan about how difficult it is to be involved in two sports simultaneously.
What musicians do you like?
to answer some questions the motto says i want to put up times that make others say theres no way i can compete with that and i do swimming in the winter and golf in the spring its not simultaneously
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