Side 2: Interest: The next side has pictures of some of my interests. Music and reading is my main ones. There are pictures are of some of my favorite books for reading, and there are musical notes and two CD’s along with head phones for music.
Side 3: Friends, the next side of my box has pictures of my friends, an old softball picture form when I was in 3rd grade, an old class picture form the 5th grade and pictures of my friend Jordyn and I At the Nebraska state fair.
Side 4: Sports, the last side is the sports side, there is a picture of my in my basketball uniform and my volleyball uniform. There are also some other things that have to do with the sports that I am involved in.
From Monica:
The items that stand out most to me are the stickers of music notes and the side with sports placed on it. I most interested in the music notes because i love to experience different types of music from different places. The girl Jessica seems like the typical girl who is into sports and music. I would say this because she doesn't have that much different types of things pasted the box just the basic friends and music type.
One major similarity to my box is the Twilight series, that was included in Jessicas work as well as mine. The Twilight series shows some interest in reading as well as good writing and logic thinking. But i feel as if she enjoyed the reading rather the evident material of which was explained through out the novels.
I also enjoyed how she likes the Author Sarah Dessen and seems to be active in her school.
I'm curious to know if she does any other sports or is in any other clubs because i'm in a lot of clubs and like to participate in school activites.
The most unique thing is the book series that she has pasted on her box, because most kids in Beacon High School are not likely to read on there free time so i thought that was pretty cool.
From Brittani:
Some of the items that stand out more than others are headphones, the books she likes to read, a basketball and volleyball picture. My initial impressions about the work you did is it seems like your very neat and you athletic. also what sticks out most is all the sports stuff!!..
Stuff that you and I have in common on our boxes are pictures of our family and friends. and were both involed in basketball. something that was intresting was her fav. type of twilight books you like to read!
The most unique thing would have to be the music becasuee there was different symbols and different notes. It seems like you really like music.
So jessica, I see you're involved in basketball! Do you play a jv or varsity sport? Do you have a fav. basketball team? Also, do you play for any aau clubs?!
I am in basketball,Volleyball,Track,and Softball all at varsity level. My favorite basketball team would have to be North carolina. I am also in many other activites in and out side of school. In school i am involved in, FFA,FCA,m/club,Drama,Speech,Band,and the Spanish club. And just a question for Brittani what is a AAU club?
That's pretty cool that your into all those different sports i'm not that athletic but i try to be by playing tennis and i'm going to start lacrosse soon. Also i found how your in Drama interesting also i love watching plays and movies. In drama are you on stagecrew or do you act?
Well my freshmen year i was acting but then this year i was stage crew but i still love it just as much. Do you have a drama club at your school/town and are you invlolved with it?
thats really awsome! Yes we do have a drama club theres a lot of people involved with it. Last year i tried out for a play but i couldnt be in it due to Tennis. But next year i think i might try out again. Right now our drama club is putting on the muscial Annie so i'm excited to see it.
Uh hum...Jessica forgot to mention that her drama and speech coach is the best. *wink wink
Is your coach anyone we know Jessica? wink wink back
I love annie and that would be exciting to see and yes Mr.Balch that is my amazing English Teacher/ Drama and speech coach(I better get extra credit for that one!)HAHA!
So many things I love about the twilight saga especially how it started to make me read again because I stopped reading for a long time and I saw the commercial for the movie and to me the movie looked interesting so like before I went to see the movie I read the book because everyone was telling me it was amazing.When I started reading I couldn't stop.I think the reason I love the twilight saga so much is how they risk everything for each other just to be together.And what's funny is some girls say that Bella is just there waiting around for Edward to save her.But what people don't see is the bravery she has because she isn't afraid of risking her life for the others she loves.I do understand that Bella has her dumb moments especially when she is around Jacob but what person doesn't.But what really stood out was even though I have'nt finished breaking dawn I think it was amazing how she did'nt get an abortion and how even though Renesme was killing her and breaking her ribs but she never lost her faith.
And I see that ur in drama I just wanted to know how of an impact it has in ur life? like if u wanted to do it has a future job? I'm also in drama and I really do want to become an actress but I'm too shy but I'm really trying to get over that.
WOW i totally agree!! I hadnt read for a long time before i started reading those books but know i am reading a different book every almost every week depending on the size and they all fallow close to the same story line of the twilight books.The twilight saga is amazing and some people just read the because of who the character are in the movie and i mean dont get me wrong we all know that edward is good looking but i tried to look past that and get the full story line. I really like how you said that bella would not give up her baby no matter if it was going to kill her. I will have to admit i was kid of sad when Bella changed an i felt sorry for Jacob but in the end it all worked out and they lived happy ever after literly haha...... So here is another question Do you think that Stephine myers need to publish midnight sun and or have you already read the book? I was really mad when i found out that some one had linked the book to the enternet before she published it and that ruined the hole thing....what is your take on the hole thing that happened with that book???
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