Friday, February 27, 2009

Tiana's Ten Observations

*1. The feeling when i see my boyfriend
*2. The gum spots on the side walk
*3. How 2 souls could feel like one
*4. The warmth I feel when I slip into my pajamas.
*5. The cold and dark corners in my room.
*6. When the hair on the back of my kneck raises when my loves lips touch mine.
*7. The cold breeze when its winter.
*8. The sound when an old book opens.
*9. The clicking of pens when theres a hard test on my desk.
*10. The way opposite personalities attract.



ZESHA said...

awesome ten observations some of them my friend said were very deep and cool

Autumn R said...

I agree on the first one i love that feeling. To tell you the truth i have never had that feeling that 2 souls are one. I dislike winter its to cold. I really think all your observations are good i could never have noticed what you did.