Side 2. I have our play book from football and a couple pictures of footballs. I put sports on my second side because sports is a major part of my life and I enjoy playing them.
Side 3. I have a picture of my class from the second grade class. The reason I put a picture of my class is because I liked school and I have had the same friends forever.
Side 4. I have all my favorite junk foods the reason I put them all on there is because I like food.
-Jeremy C.
Your gunpowder is falling off.
Hi Jeremy- What else do you hunt? Who do you normally go hunting with?
From Denashia:
The items that stood out to me the most is the glove and the candy wrapper. The impressions I get from the candy wrapper and the glove is that he likes hunting and lots of candy. I said this because there is a big glove on his box and he's holding a candy wrapper. In Jeremy's box I see that we both have sports as a majour part of our lives. I say this because I have a soccer ball in my box and and Jeremy has pics of football the only thing me and jeremy have an interests in is sports. I like that he put a pic of he's second grade classs in his box. Not trying to be mean but there isn't anything I would like to know more about- everything is straight forward.
I think the most unique thing in his box is his name written with the gun powder. I say this because noone else has it.
It has helped me understand the person who built it because you can see alot more detail up close that if you just look at it for a minute.
The one question I have is after you kill the racoons do you eat them ?
Well I normally go hunting with my family and I go hunting for deer, pheasant, rabbit, raccoons and whatever walks out in front of me when I have a gun.
what would happen if a dog or cat walk in front of you.......BOOM..
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