The medals mean I’m in those sports.
The Lego sign means that I used to play Lego’s when I was a little kid.
The Nos cutout is my favorite drink.
The Pictures of me and my friend are on their because of our friendship.
The piece of paper that has my school’s name on it is on for no reason.
Lastly the word adidas because that is my favorite shoe brand.
Side 2 and all it’s meanings.
The pictures of me throughout the years show that I got older.
The picture of me and my brothers and sisters well I needed to fill space.
I have 5 sisters and 1 brother and they are all important to me.
Side 3 and all it’s meanings.
The picture of one of my friends with a different body was just for laughs.
The medals to also represent my sports and achievements.
The sports I am in are football, wrestling, track, baseball and for one year basketball.
Side 4 and all it’s meanings.
The piece of scrapbook with many of my pictures from my childhood mean everything to me.
The red notebook cover because I had a red notebook.
-Preston H.
Wow, crazy hair Preston!
liking the hair.
When I take a first glance at the box titled, ”Me in a box.” by Preston H, I notice that there are many pictures of what seems to be friends and family. This is probably because I had quite a few pictures of family and my friends and family are very important to me. I also notice medals which must mean he plays sports which is awesome because I do too. His box gives me the impression that he is very athletic and cares a lot about his friends and family much like myself. It seems like I would get along with him very well.
On his box, he has pictures of his family as do I. Family is very important to me. I don’t know what I would do without them. It seems like they are also very important to him. Even though he had medals for different sports I had my first soccer trophy on my box. He is obviously very talented and successful at sports.
Some of our common interests would be that we both enjoy playing sports. Our similar sports are football, basketball and track. However, I also play soccer and bowl, while he plays baseball and wrestles. We also are both big on family and enjoy spending time with them. Finally, we both enjoyed playing with LEGO’s when we were younger. I still have most of mine, but they haven’t been touched in awhile.
I would like to know more about his scrapbook. I am very curious about what kind of pictures is in it. Also I would like to know if he drew these pictures because I may not be a die-hard artist, but I occasionally do enjoy drawing so I wonder if he does as well.
The most interesting item on his box would have to be his medal that has the cross on it. I really like the colors of the picture and the fact that it also has a cross on it which I like because I am kind of religious. Another thing is that it says something about Olympics which must mean he participated in some kind of Olympics and did very good in it.
Kevin W. said:
At the first glance of Preston’s box, the piece of paper on the top side of the box stood out the most because it was the largest. My first impression of Preston’s box is being athletic because the medals were the second most prominent.
The piece of paper with the school’s name is similar to my picture with my school. I believe that they don’t share the same level of significance, Preston’s description states that it is on there for no reason. The scrapbook with the childhood pictures of Preston is similar to me remembering my past. His pictures of his one brother and five sisters show his love for them and I enjoy having a brother. I was unfamiliar with the red notebook because his description was not very informative about it. The picture of the friend with a different body was the most interesting because it was just for humorous effects.
A closer look at this box allowed my to see the life and interests of Preston. I was also allowed to make an impression of Preston being humorous. I would like to ask Preston which sport he likes the most.
I Didn't even try to get my head to fit in that it just kind of happened.
The red notebook is just a funny story that almost everyone at mccool knows and my favorite sport would have to be wrestling. I am not much of an artist but i did take art for a year and di O.K. in it.
Hey Preston- I love baseball and have coached for more years than I can probably count. What position do you play? Do you play for the town, the school, or what? Do you have a favorite pro team or player?
Preston Tell the story of the red notebook.
I don't think Preston could do justice to the red notebook story on this blog. One of those "had to be there" moments right Preston?
Go for it!!!!:)
I only played baseball for york. I played for team called Elks lodge its a kind of fancy restaurent... I didn't do any base ball since then because i have a job during the season.
I'll try to tell the story about the red notebook.....We had an assignment do in English so i came to class thinking i had my red notebook. So she asked us to turn it in so i look through my binder for my red notebook but couldn't find it so she asks me where it is i tell her my red notebook. I get worried and run around looking for it constantly telling to Mrs Bethune "It's in my red notebook" i also ask her if she has seen it but she hasn't a few days later i find my notebook and get excited saying i found my red notebook...sometimes when i lose worksheets and don't know where to check people say it must be in his red notebook...So now everyone knows about my red notebook and i have red pencils a red binder and i am going to buy another red notebook soon.
thats as best as i could explain the story but Mrs Bethune is right you kind of had to be there...
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