Inside my identity box, there are many things that identify me. On the top of my box, I have a few pictures. There is a picture of my parents, and my grandmother, whom I love very much. I also have a my name, Nina, written in glitter. I also have the Puerto Rican flag because that is my nationality. In the inside of my box, I have a few more pictures. I have pictures of my brother and sisters, whom I also love very dearly and pictures of when I used to live in Manhattan. In the center of my box I also have a picture of a cherry blossom tree, representing that I like spring. There is also a bible verse I glued into my box, showing that I am very involved with the church and that I am a Christian. I also glued some headphones in because I like to listen to music. In my box I also have the movie Tropic Thunder because I love to watch comedies. I also have a book by C.S. Lewis in my box because I love to read, and C.S. Lewis is one of my favorite authors. I truly love his works, The Screwtape Letters, Mere Christianity and many others.
The first thing I noticed when I looked on your box was that you had quite a bit of pictures of your family. I bet we also feel that we both have the same value of significance for our boxes. I noticed that you have what looks like a book about ”Tropic Thunder.” I have seen the movie about it and it was pretty funny. I would like to ask about the book by C.S. Lewis called the Screw tape Letters. I looked at our own school library and couldn’t find it and our librarian said she has never heard of it so I kind want to know what it is about. I thin the most interesting thin that you have on your box would probably have to be the flag from Puerto Rico. I kind of want to know why you have that on there is that where your from or did you just feel like putting it on there.
Hi, sorry I had not commented back sooner, I was out sick with the flu. Yes, family is very important to me, I value them very much. I do like comedies, I like humor so thats why I put that movie there. It is very suprising to me that your librarian never heard of the Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis, he is a very famous author, theologian, etc. He's written many other books, I don't know if you ever heard of the movie "The Chronicles of Narnia", it is based on book series he wrote for children. But I would be more than happy to tell you about the book. This book is formated in letters, about an older wise demon who is writing to his nephew, teaching him strategies, and schemes to tempt a human. Its very psychological, and the author C.S. Lewis, who was a Christian, points out some very true things. It truly displays how man falls into temptation and etc. It's a very good book and if your interested in reading more about it or the author, try google or your local library. The reason why I have the Puerto Rican flag on my box is because I am Puerto Rican. Both of my parents are Puerto Rican making me Puerto Rican. My family has a lot of Puerto Rican traditions that it still holds today, and even though I wasn't born over there, my parents still raised their children with some of the traditions. So, I hope I have answered your questions. Thanks.
Nina- Thanks for reminding me how much I wanted to read more by C.S. Lewis. I'll let you know how that works out!
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