On the lid: 1. New England Patriots logo- My favorite NFL team. 2. New Jersey Nets logo- My favorite NBA team. 3. A basketball hoop that I won from an arcade- I love playing basketball in my spare time and I enjoy going to arcades.
Inside: 1. Soccer trophy- I got this from playing my first year of soccer. I've been playing for 10 years now. 2. Football- Football is an awesome sport. I've only played for 1 year now, but I plan on continuing to play all my life. 3. Souvenir penny- I collect these pennies whenever I go on vacation. This one was a gift from my parents when they went to Salem, Massachussetts.
Side 1: 1. Pic of a snoboard- Snoboarding is one of my favorite hobbies to do during the winter. 2. Pic of a paintball gun- This is the paintball gun that I have. I enjoy going paintballing with my friends and my father. It can be really exciting.
Side 2: 1. Joker card- I love to be funny and pull pranks. Also I enjoy playing card games such as Poker and Blackjack. 2. Two pics of my sister and her girlfriend. One of them has my niece on her first Christmas. I really love them. I hate that they don't live with us, but I always am so excited to go visit them.
Side 3: 1. Bottle of Curve- I always love to smell really good, no matter what the occasion is.
Side 4: 1. Pic of my mom and one of my cats, Salem, when he was a kitten. My mom is always there to help me and I can ask her for advice. Cats are the best pets to have. I had 6, but 1 died recently, so now only 5. R.I.P. Oreo. We'll miss you. 2. Pic of my dad and my dog Sonya. My dad is like my best friend. He's mad chill and all my friends like him. This pic was of my dog on her first Halloween as a bumblebee.
We both have sports on are boxes you have a real football mine is just a picture off the internet.
We both enjoy basketball, football you play basketball in your spare time I play basketball every day. I also like to shot people with my paint ball gun.
I noticed that you like snow boarding I have never been snow boarding but i thing it would be fun to do.
The most unique thing I think you have is all the sports because I did not think big schools had a lot of chances in sports.
From Tatiana:
One box that is similar to my work is Dalton's. The reason why I think we are similar is because he had pictures of his parents and he had said that he is very close to them and I'm also. I also feel that they share the same level of significance.
In Dalton's box I really loved he had the joker card because he likes to play pranks on people and so do I. I love joking around because Im crazy and Im always laughing and I just love to have fun and Im guessing that so does Dalton.
I would want to know more about the football deal, how he only played for one year and I wonder why he had started now to play and not when he was a kid like soccer.
I really like your spongebob basketball hoop because I love to play basketball and songebob was my favorite show to watch when i was younger(14) haha
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