The box that I made includes many things that are important to me and who I am. On the front of my box I put a picture of a breast cancer ribbon that I printed out because inflaMmatory breast cancer took my mother's life over Christmas vacation. On the sides of the picture, I have my favorite Bible quote, "What does it profit a man to gain the whole world yet forfeit his soul," as well as stickers and tickets from church events that I have participated in, also on the front of my box is my cross and a breast cancer bracelet. On top of my box is a picture of my mother and I when I was one and pictures of me in Iowa, where I virtually grew up. Inside the box is a picture of my crazy English teacher, Mr. Balch, and pictures of me rock climbing, a program from Soulfest (a 4 day music festival in New Hampshire) as well as a running medal and a shotgun shell. On the sides of my box I have pictures of my family and me at the Grand Tetons and other adventurous places as well as artwork and music. My family and the arts are my favorites; they are my life.
I also have pictures of myself doing the things I love to do I can see you like to rock climb. We have many things in common I also want to stop hunger. We both like having a life dealing with church. I really would like to know more about why you put the sayings you did on your box. I am really interested in your box I would like to know more about everything you have shown me. The most unique item i see on your box would have to be the piece of cloth. May i ask why you put it? How much does it mean to you?
The piece of cloth on my box is actually a scarf that my mother wore when she was going through aggressive chemo-therapy. She was unfortunately taken from us in the early morning the day after Christmas; it wasn't the miracle that we had hoped for but it was luckily the one that she needed. Since then, religion has become an even bigger part of my life. I am part of two youth groups and I do all that I can to participate in the events.
Your English teacher really IS crazy isn't he? ha ha
I really appreciate your honesty - that's what this is all about. Isn't that really what life is about? I'm sorry to hear about your mom and without even knowing you, I can tell that she would be proud of how you've represented yourself here.
On a different note...
Do you feel that you have a different perspective on this collaboration because you have spent much time in Iowa?
I'm glad that you have participated in all the youth groups and events you can because i really don't have much time to be in any groups. I'm only in M-Club for school. I'm sorry to hear about your mom i think we have much in common you lost your mom this year and i was dating a guy and lost him in a car accident so, I'm glad Mrs. Bethune assigned me to comment you. We can help each other through this that's the best part now i have someone to talk to. I love your book i really never would have thought about putting church and everything on mine it just never came to my mind but then again nothing really ever comes to my mind till its to late.
It's all good. We're teenagers so i SUPPOSE we could always use that as an excuse. We could just tell people that our brains fell out of our heads and we're keeping them fresh in the fridge for when we'll need them for common sense. I'm sorry to hear about the guy you were dating, is it safe to assume boyfriend? But like you said, it's good to have friends who know what you're feeling, my boyfriend's father died in April of 2008 and so when my mother passed he knew exactly how I felt and how to help.
On a lighter note though, what might I ask is M-club?
M-Club is like a club that when you letter in something you are automaticly in m-club last year i lettered in choir so im in m-club. We find out where to have are activities banquet at and stuff like that.
Sounds pretty cool I guess. I am a memeber of the Venture Crew in my town (kind of liek Boy Scouts but it's co-ed), I'm also a girl scout and I'm in the adventure club at my school. Mr. Balch is actually one of the leaders of that club, this past weekend we went rock climbing and had a blast. Other than that I do a lot of stuff, but I honestly don't feel like typing it all, I have a lot of homework to finish. I have practice for the school play until five or so tomorrow and then a church thing til about nine so I'll talk to you soon.
ttyl- Kaelyn
Mrs. Bethune-
Indeed this is true, we're here to learn about other people right? From other places?
And yes, I think that my growing up visiting Iowa and Nebraska and other places like that has influenced the way I view things, even this blog.
Talk soon- Kaelyn
I really enjoyed your box. You have a lot of faith and I definitely respect that. What do you want to be when you grow up? And also why do you have a shotgun shell on your box? Do you hunt?
fun fun you must have a busy life im not in alot of stuff because i dont have time... so how is your life?
I have a shotgun shell on my box because i go skeet shooting. My dad actually calls me Annie Oakley because my first time shooting, i had 90% accuracy. I don't hunt, but I like shooting.
When I grow up I want to be either a lawyer or some form of either a musician or performer or the arts.
Eh, I guess my life's pretty busy. I do a lot of stuff but it's worth it. I plan on using all of my extracurricular activities on my college applications.
What are your plans for the future? Are you planning on going to college? If so, what for?
well im probably not supposed to comment someone from beacon but i love kaeyln a lot so im going to,
1 - im really liking the bible verse, my favorite one is "for you show your might when the perfection of your power is disbelieved and in those who know you, you rebuke temerity."
2 - i like the breast cancer ribbon for TWO reasons:
1. my aunt cathy had breast cancer but as far as i know it was removed.
2 - i loved your mom cause she was awesome.
yes, i plan on going to college its a tie between going for marrige and family counsilng or psychology but i will probably be going to college in florida because once my sisters husband gets out of prison my family is going to move to florida a year after i graduate.
Florida is wonderful, I'm HOPEFULLY going there over spring break and my brother has been there a bunch. And your college choices are pretty cool, I was almost planning on going to college in Florida when I was thinking of going for marine biology, I then changed my plans and I now want to be a lawyer or an English major.
thats cool that u want to be a lawyer . and ya Florida looks amazing.
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