On this side of my box are pictures of my sister and I, Rose, Amanda and I. They have helped me through everything and they are always going to be there for me. This is really my photography side I love to take pictures.
Part 2-
My second side is a picture of Sara and me. I also put two of my poems that I have written. I chose those two poems because these are two of the things I will always have, my best friends and chances I can always fix my life if I make a mistake.
Part 3-
There is a picture of my grandpa and grandma holding me. I put rocks on the corner of this picture, Rocks remind me of my grandpa. He always let me sit and watch him polish rocks now this is my passion. The rose on this side is one of the pictures I have drawn. There is a page from a book because I like to read.
Part 4-
Wild times. Pictures of my best friends and I, my sister and I being weird. I put these pictures because my friends are the next best thing in life. Also these pictures show who I really am and who I will always be.
Autumn R
Autumn i love it you really happy like g-wiz i might as well take this picture and get it over with .
Autumn I really like your box it stands our and we also have a few things in common like a picture of our grandma and our best friend it shows that we both care about our family and friends and I also really like your poems I think its pretty cool that you write poems and I also see we both like to read and I think unique that you collect rocks I was wondering if you can tell me what kind of rocks you collect?
I really collect any kind of rock well mostly the ones with a unique design. I have been collecting them since i was a little girl. Ya i really love to write poems it helps me get through things. I usually never let people read my poems because i never think they are good enough. I'm glad we have things in common.
first off thats a really pretty name. anyways, i really liked your box, you say you have poems you wrote in it, and i love writing a lot. i also like that you wrote about your grandpa because i think familys super important. and the wild times, well thats pretty much my life. i really liked your box a lot. GOOD JOB =]
Thanks, Ya i do write poems i love to write poems people think they are hard to write but for me its really easy. Thanks for the comment.
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