Sports Pictures- I do volleyball, basketball, dance, and cheerleading. I enjoy doing these activities.
Strand of horse hair- represents my passion for horses.
Large fishing photo- I enjoy fishing.
Fishing bobbers and jig- represents my passion for fishing.
Side 2: Cowgirl
Picture of Miss Rodeo Nebraska- It is special to me because Miss Rodeo Iowa signs it, also Miss Rodeo Nebraska signs it.
Belt Buckle- It has a J engraved in it so it’s very special to me.
3D Running Horse- It hangs down from my box and my mom bought this for me in Colorado.
Side 3: My Interests
There is rope glued around my box and it represents my passion for roping.
I love Ford and GMC trucks so I have pictures of them on my box.
George Strait and Chris Ledoux pictures- they are my favorite country singers.
Lane Frost and Tuff Hedeman pictures- they are my rodeo idols.
Reining- I also have a picture of Stacy Westfield reining. I would love to do it someday like her.
Side 4: Horses
On this side I have all horse pictures.
The pink and yellow background represents my favorite colors.
I have pictures of when I was a little girl with my pony, to pictures that were taken 3 years ago.
-Jordyn D.
Hi Jordyn- Great job on your work; thanks. A lot of people have been asking about the fish you are holding in one of your pictures. Can you please tell us more about that? I also thought your use of the rope around your box was especially thoughtful and effective.
Thanks! The fish that I caught was a 25lb carp. It was caught in the lake that is 10 feet from our house. Yes, I live on a lake. The rope that I glued around my box is a cow tying rope. My brother doesn't really know I took that from his room. Oops!
hi! my name is carly. I though your box was cool because of the picture of you holding the fish. I would never hold a fish. I'm not a fan of fish. lol Do you go fishing alot?
hi, thanks for the comment on my box. i really like your box because it reperesents who you are in many different ways. we also have things in common ; i am also a cheerleader!
Jocelyn said:
Some item's in Jordyn's box that are similar to mine are that she has a lot of pictures. She also has pink things; I love the color pink. I think that all these items share the same level of significance in both boxes.
Some of the items which reflect common interests are playing volleyball and her favorite color being pink.
I would like to know more about who is Miss Rodeo Iowa and Miss Rodeo Nebraska, and what roping is, because I don't know who and what they are.
The most unique thing in this box is the 3D Running Horse because it looks cool and I have never seen that before.
I think this student enjoys a variety of things adn that she has a variety of intersts.
I would like to ask her what she wants to be when she grows up?
Carly: Thank you for the comment!!
I do go fishing a lot.
I love it because when I think I am reeling in a small sunfish it turns out it's a huge bass! It's like opening presents on Christmas morning, you never know what you are going to get.
Sade: Your Welcome for the comments.
Jocelyn: Thank you for the comment. That is really cool that we both love volleyball and pink. Miss Rodeo Nebraska was at the PRCA rodeo in Lincoln, NE. She was there signing autographs. All Miss Rodeo Nebraska is, is just a role model for younger girls. She rides her horse around at the beginning of the rodeo carrying around a flag. Roping is when you have two horses and a steer ( a cow with horns) run out in the middle of the two horses. The guy on the horse on the right side of the steer ropes the horns and the guy on the left side of the steer ropes the legs. The steer falls to the ground and the fastest time wins.
When I grow up I would like to be a veterinarian and own a horse ranch in Kentucky, Oklahoma, Colorado, or Texas. The 3D horse I got from my mom, she got it from Colorado!
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