In my box I had several different items that express me. I have a picture with my mom, dad, softball team, and friends. These people mean a lot to me and have had a big impact on who I am today. I also have a tennis ball and softball in my box these sports I have played during my life. I have clothing item in there because without clothes you may not be able to survive. I have my favorite perfume in there also because it makes me think about the summer. The summer is important to me because it’s like a new start, and my birthday is in the summer. The drink I have in my box is a good tasting drink with a lot of vitamins in it which helps me when I have a game or match which is very often. One thing in my box that I have is a shell that I got from the beach. I’ve been going to the beach with my best friend almost every summer since middle school and I enjoy going there. I placed an Obama campaigning pin in my box because I was very excited about this upcoming election. I added a shopping bag to show a hobby of mine, and I also like Tinkerbell.
My sister does Softball and i don't mine watching it so good sport to pick.
From looking at your box the first thing that caught my eye was the softball because i am also invloved in softball and it is one of my favortie sports to do
There are many things in your box that i have in my box. Like i said i am invlolved in sports and i can tell that you enjoy playing sports to. I also noticed how you like summer and how your birthday is in the summer. I also enjoy the summer and I have a summer birthday.
some common interest that we share is that we both have is sports , friends, and the summer
I would like to know more about the health drink that you have in your box also your shoping bag.... what is your favorite store to shop at?
I think that the most unique thing in your box would be the shell because it has alot of meaning to you ad that is what makes it so unique
Your box was very interesting and some questions that I have for you is... are you involved in any other sports or school activites?
what are some of your favorite stores to shop at?
I also like to play softball but that isn't the only thing we have in common.. Tinker bell is bing in my life. Do you have the movie?
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