Monday, February 23, 2009

Observations Of a Typical Day

1. The rustle of leaves on the ground.
2. The fog of my breath on a cold morning.
3. The whine of my dog.
4. The sound of birds chirping.
5. The grunt of a mature buck.
6. The bleat of a doe during the rut.
7. A carp jumping in the middle of the lake during their spawning season.
8. A coon sticking his head out of his hole.
9. A rock stuck in the tread of the tire on my truck.
10. Brass shavings on the bolt of my rifle from the cartridges in the magazine.

Josh Pettygrove


Billy H. said...

I am going to guess that you like to hunt........

bri said...

i like this because it is very descriptive

Josh P. said...

Thanks Bri. And Billy I think you know the answer to that one..