Tuesday, April 14, 2009

hicks, rednecks, and crazy ladies

Truthfully the stereotypes that they have towards us are for the most part true. When I try to put myself into your shoes and then I look at our town and the people that belong to this town I see (HICKS), and rednecks, but I also see people that look out for each other. They never kick you to the curb, they are always right there by your side no matter what’s going on. The saying, don’t judge a book by its cover, that applies here. You can’t think that you know a town just because of the way that it looks. How modern it is or if you have one crazy lady that drives around in her car all day looking for people to wave at, not saying any names (COUGH) Helen (COUGH). So what I am trying to say is that for the most part your beliefs are probably true about us but we are happy to say that we are proud of the way we are.

Billy H.

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