Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Lets make a memory

I am from a broken swing
A scar leaving the evidence
From the dirt paved driveway
To the cracked sidewalks
I am from the tall oak tree that casts shade over the entire yard

I am from the aroma of Paul mauls
Filling the air with smoke
From the sit down to the shut ups
To the get up and get out of our hair
I am from a worn out book that sits on the table
Showing us that he is with us

I am from the greased covered floor in the garage
The smell of gasoline
From the mud puddle in the back yard
To the puppy tracks running free
I am from a ran over stop sign
Flat like a pancake

I am from the fried chicken
Mashed potatoes
From the dent in the car
And the shattered glass
In a box on the shelf
Lies memories or a lifetime
Collecting dust like an old broken toy
Some unknown names
To some way to failure
I am from the flash off the camera taken
Just making another memory

Jessica cheek


JeremyC said...

I can really see your first couple lines like the broken swing the dirt driveways and cracked side walks I think that is a big part of mccool

carly said...

Hi Jessica! I really like the color of your poem.. blue is my favorite!