Thursday, April 30, 2009

I am from ____

I am from a true life,
that has it's situations that must be faced.
I am from a family,
that I share love and memories with.
Sharing memories that can be talked about for years.

I am from beats from my favorite harmonies,
every time I hear the beat drop I vision myself in the song.
I am from New York, the city that never sleeps, the city
that has it's light that shines it up,
the city where dreams can come true.

I am from a group of amazing friends [TC],
sitting at a coffee house for hours having long talks,
creating memories that will last forever,
having that one song that we all love, sing and cherish,
sitting around bonfires and laughing every second of the time
but most of all loving each other through thick and thin.



bri said...

hey tatiiiiii :) my favorite line is "everytime i hear the beat drop i vision myself in the song" i can relate to this line alotttt, because i am very passionate about music tooo =]

Tatiana said...

thanks girl

Tatiana said...

thanks monica