Tuesday, April 28, 2009

These Moments

I am from toys scattered on the floor,
to stacks of blankets on the couch.
I am from bikes covered with mud.
(Brown, dried on mud, like to tires of an
old rusted truck)
I am from the big Pines with long branches
stretching towards the wide open sky.

I am from onion dip to cheesy peas.
From Uncle Mike's magic tricks,
to Darrell being too tall.
I am from the be goods and the but not too goods.
From the get-wells and cheer-ups.
I am from the Christmas programs
at church and the tinsel pieces left
in my hair.

I am from the hot afternoons at Dutch Kitchen,
to shouting Dutch Blitz during hot summer days.
I am from the Purple Hearts,
to the Flags on the shelves.
I am from the big box in my closet
filled with papers from first grade,
to pictures of my old dog Sadie.
I am from these moments.


Shorty said...

Rebekah your clicked in my mind and I could tell where you were coming from in the whole thing. I could picture everything. The stongest part in yours would be "From Uncle Mike's magic tricks, to Darrell being to tall." The part that I can relate to would be pictures of your old dog and the muddy bikes and of course the pines stretching.

Kaelyn said...

I pretty much just enjoyed this poem in its whole. I can say though, that my favorite line is "I am from these moments." It may be the last line of the work but I think that it sums up the entire thing wonderfully. I like all of the viusals that you put into your poem and I think it's very good.