Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Eleven Observations

1. The crowded halls on my way to class.
2. The dead bird on the sidewalk on my way home.
3. The annoying freshman throwing food in the cafeteria.
4. The bare trees in mid winter.
5. The coughs and sneezes coming from my classmates.
6. The teachers desk piled up with papers.
7. The huge school, on my way to it.
8. My wet curly hair on my head.
9. The big bright luminous sun shining over me.
10. The birds chirping outside where its never quiet.
11. The christmas wreath in Mr.Balch's room.

by Jocelyn

1 comment:

PrestonH said...

Those were really good and exactly what we had to write about just observing random things. Especially the freshman throwing food that happens here alot with our freshman