Monday, February 23, 2009

Ten Grand Observations

1. My brother playing hide and go seek by himself.
2. A clump of mud in the porch.
3. A missing old shoe.
4. An old boot painted lime green.
5. A potato sitting outside.
6. An old and tattered t-shirt of my dads.
7. The smell of propane from my dad.
8. An ate up toy shovel.
9. A mud coated bouncy ball outside.
10. A yellow patch of grass surrounded by green.

Rebekah J.


Dalton said...

I think your observations were definitely different. Number 1 caught my attention because I have two younger brothers and they're always playing made-up games and stuff by theirselves. Also during the summer I see a lot of yellow grass patches that are dried up.

Rebekah J. said...

My brother loves to make up games, since he has no one else to play with during the day since my sisters and I are at school. There is alot of yellow grass patches all over the place.