Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Some Observations

1. the smile on a baby's face when you hold them.
2. the sound of the birds when you go outside.
3. how everything outside looks gray in the winter.
4. the way people drive.
5. how times go by way to fast.
6. how time goes by really slow when your in spanish class.
7. music makes people happier.
8. dirty cars.
9. my room is really messy.
10. the color of a dying flower.


Tatiana said...

good job

Shorty said...

Carly you are very funny in yours but so true. The way people drive and dirty cars is true for here to. I like how you took the time and described the outside and the look on a baby's face. All of yours are so true for here. I know the winter is gray here and how time goes by fast but slow in Spanish class.

Brandon S. said...

I did Spanish last year and thought it went by fast.

Kyle said...

Carly!! Im gonna comment again. I can agree with almost everything ESPECIALLY number 6!!!!!!! Im likin the 10 things. Amazing job Carly. LOL

Autumn R said...

I love the baby's smile on their faces i hold a baby everyday because my sisters kid lives with us. Number 3 is so true that's half of the reason why i don't like winter its not that pretty. I actually love spanish but i dropped out because we don't learn much. I really agree with number 7 music always makes me happy.