Tuesday, March 3, 2009

10 observations

1. The innocent stare from my cats baby blue eyes.
2. The little meaningless habits I've developed over the years.
3. That the pain that once seemed endless has faded.
4. The beautiful lyrics to my favorite song.
5. The sister-like bond that has emerged between me and my best friend.
6. The silly things my parents do to see me smile.
7. The fear that has been created in my heart from love.
8. The lame laugh that i cant control, nor do i want to.
9. The reappearing memories of my Aunt Liz.
10. How awesome my daddy truely is, and how much i love him. <3


Autumn R said...

Your observations are so true. I agree with all of them but the first one just because i don't have a cat. I really like number 3 and 7.

Shorty said...

OMGitskerensa. I love yours. Number 10 goes for the same to me. I also like 2,3,4,5,6,7, and 8. But I also got a question for you. What do you mean by "that the pain that once seemed endless has faded"?

OMGitskerensa said...

shorty, well i had a boyfriend for 9 months and we broke up towards the end of the summer and i spent almost every minute of everyday crying, i thought the pain would never stop, i went into a depression that was horrible, then school started and i had classes with him and i was forced to be next to him and see him with other girls, which really wasnt fun. but now i barely ever think about it. and me and him are friends.