Thursday, March 5, 2009

My Creative Observation Poem

The little meaningless habbit's i developed
The pain that once seemed endless has faded
The fear that has been created in my heart from love
The different emotions going around every where
The different colors of the sky during the day
How two souls could feel like one
The most beautiful things in life that are not noticed
The whispering of gossipers
How there is two sides to every story
The detail in the red rose petal
The crinkeld leaves that show up after the snow has melted
The sounds of birds chirping
The pink color of the shy before it snows
The way cheesecake melts in your mouth
The old barn that sits on the country road
A dog barking at the end of it's chain
The ripples on the lake
Tree branches swaying back and forth in the wind
Cows lying in the field
A single bent page in a book
A clump of mud on the porch
A cat roaming the field
Pot holes in the gravel road
The deer jumping a fence
The smell of spring after snow melts
Th way people treat each other
The smell of fresh cut grass
The cold and dark corners of my room
The sound you get when you open a old book
The cold brezz you get when it is winter outside and windy

1 comment:

Sade said...

i really enjoyed reading your poem. its very nice and flows well.its very detailed and shows how we all see things in life. how every one is similar and different in there own way.we may be two different groups but it seems as if we notice the same things and feel the same way about things.the borrowed words in your piece creates a unified piece about nature and life in general. =]