Monday, March 9, 2009

Found Poem

The patches of green grass in my yard.
The fog of my breath on a cold morning.
The slamming of lockers in the morning at school.
The sounds of the dish washer running while I watch TV.
The stump in the backyard where there was a tree.
Too much French homework.
The way the moon shines at night.
Time flies.
The bare trees in mid winter.
The cat hair on my sweater.
The clouds move faster than I believed.
The weather can effect your emotions and mood.
The sun is setting later and later everyday.
The warmth I feel when I slip into my pajamas.
The cold breeze when it's winter.
The noise my house makes when I'm home alone.
The different colors of the sky during the day.
The great smell of dinner as I arrive home.
The beautiful lyrics to my favorite song.
The smell of spring after snow melts.

1 comment:

Shorty said...

Aileen it seems like a lot of people in your class has a house that makes noise lol. Don't worry so does mine. A difference I have noticed in between our groups would be French, we can't take it, we only have Spanish. But there were a lot of similarities such has the smell of spring, favorite songs, the different colors of the sky, and many others. A stereotype that has been overcomed that I remember is what many people think of French speaking countries. The way you rearranged them flowed very nice together. Yours took me back to where you said. Aileen, yours made my heart start to beat very fast by just reading line by line.