Sunday, March 22, 2009


One of the first memories I can remember is when I learned how to ride my bike. I had gone out to breakfast with my Mom, and Brother when i decided that i felt like learning how to ride a bike without the training wheels. So i was excited that whole morning that i actually might learn to ride a bike like a grown up. so we left the diner and went home. I ran out of our car and got my bike out of the garage and just started to ride around. Then my brother came outside and asked me if I was ready, and I said YES.

So we started first on my driveway and i fell off the bike and got right back on the bike and started again. I kept on falling so i decided we should go in the backyard and learn back there this way it wouldn't hurt as badly if i did fall. So we went in the back and I finally had gotten the hang of it after the 100Th time. at least that what it felt like. So after that i started riding all around on my road. For a while riding my bike was my transportation to all of my friends houses. So riding my bike was one of the greatest things that had happened to me when i was younger.

1 comment:

Wade O. said...

Hi, Kyle I remember the first time I rode my bike. It was very similar to yours just that I didn't go to the backyard. And I helped my bro with his paper rout on my bike. And my bike was the only way I could go to my friends house.