Monday, March 9, 2009

Found Poem

The pens that have no ink that I still keep
The hunger that is created during school
The drama you hear in each class
The school i.d. card from 6th grade
The brainstorming for what you will do after school

by Cori


PrestonH said...

It says alot about what we are as different groups. As i read it i can tell many of the similarities from our school and yours. There aren't any stereotypes in here but if there were i bet that it would overcome them. all the words and phrases you have used come together like the pieces of a puzzle. no other comments are needed for this poem i think Ive covered it all about this poem.

Ben W. said...

1. There aren't any differences that I can find because its a little short. I never got a I.D. car in 6th grade.
2. It says that we have a lot in common when it comes to school and how our school works.
3. It overcomes stereotypes such as school is the same everywhere not students are smarter or dumber but the same.
4. Its a little short but it flows good. It all makes sense.
5. I think it could stand to be a little longer but I like it cause thats how school is.