Thursday, March 5, 2009

Mixture of Plagiarism

The radio is always on
Music makes people happier
Things that mean a lot to me
My lives the same daily
I don’t smile like that
Many take their lives for granted
The way people drive
Time flies
Many students don’t pay attention in class
How rumors go around daily
The whispering of gossipers
How there are two sides of every story
Doodles from my pen
The slamming of doors
It’s pretty cold out
The tiredness at the end of the day
How my mom asks the same question twice
The smell of skunk
The grunt of a mature buck
Excessive amounts of words in a book
Many things that are important
Pictures of my family
Full of memories
My favorites on the front
I like country music
I love eating
I also have a dryer sheet
I think superheroes are awesome
I plan to make that my career
Many things that identify me


Michael O. said...

Your peice puts most of the stereostypes to sleep. It shows that we have a lot in common than different.Your peice also shows things we go through in high school like rumors and things like that. The lines show what we as a group like and enjoy.I must say though we both had the plagiarism idea down pretty well.

Kyle said...

1.The poem doesnt make our groups different, it shows that our groups are a lot alike.

2.The piece shows that our similarities are a lot alike in Beacon and in McCool. We all are really the same no matter where we live.

3.The piece overcomes a lot of stereotypes because people may think that since we live in different states we all are the different, but we are the same in one way or another.

4. The words borrowed create a unified piece because we are all able to relate by what other people said.

5. I thought the poem was good.